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Surf City Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Root Canal Treatment Huntington Beach CA

A model of a mouth with a tooth showing roots at Surf City Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Huntington Beach, CAA root canal procedure, also known as endodontic treatment, removes inflamed dental pulp and roots inside the tooth. The dental pulp extends from the core of your tooth to its roots deep in the gums. If the pulp becomes inflamed for any reason, the surrounding tissues become excruciatingly painful. It makes normal chewing impossible and can also lead to tooth loss.

Root canal treatment can save your tooth from being lost forever. Our surgeons at Surf City Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery are specialists in salvaging your natural teeth using modern technology and techniques.

What Steps Are Involved in Root Canal Treatment?

A root canal is a multi-step dental procedure. It can require a minimum of two visits to the dentist.
•  Preliminary checkup
•  Creating an opening and battling the infection
•  Pulp removal and sealing
•  Adding a customized crown to seal the tooth

Preliminary Checkup

The first step is to schedule an appointment with us to get to the bottom of the pain you are experiencing. Sometimes it can be caused by a cavity or gum infection, solved with a simple filling or oral prescription.

However, during their investigation, our surgeons may deem it necessary for you to get root canal treatment.

Isolating the Tooth

The tooth must be isolated from the rest of the mouth so it remains dry throughout the procedure. This is done by placing a small shield around the tooth or through constant suction during the remaining steps.

Create an Opening

An opening is made into the tooth’s crown using modern dental tools, allowing access to the dental pulp chamber. This will make it possible to address the infected tissues.

Battling the Infection

Medicine is applied to the pulp to remove debris and kill all of the bacteria causing inflammation. This step ensures that the infection does not return after the root canal treatment.

Pulp Removal

The pulp tissues and roots are now damaged beyond repair from infection. There is no benefit to leaving them inside the tooth. Doing so will lead to the problem returning shortly.

The pulp and roots are removed from the tooth, leaving the entire pulp chamber hollow inside.

Filling the Gap

The empty root canals are filled and sealed. The remaining hollow area in the tooth above the gums is filled with a temporary filling.

Crown Impression

Now an impression is made of the remaining dental structure for a crown to seal the tooth properly. This impression is sent to a certified, high-quality lab that manufactures customized crowns.

Dental Crown

Once the dental crown is procured, it is cemented on the tooth with a specialized permanent adhesive.

Root Canal Treatment Aftercare

Once the root canal treatment is complete, our surgeons at Surf City Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery will provide you with a comprehensive set of after-care instructions to follow. Our surgeons will tell you every essential detail you must remember for long-term care.

Contact Us for a Consultation Today

If you’re facing tremendous pain in your gums and find it hard to chew, schedule an appointment with our surgeons today. They can examine your oral health, identify the cause and provide the solution, allowing you to eat and smile again without discomfort.

Call Surf City Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at 657-384-2787 to schedule an appointment, and let us alleviate any dental pain you experience.

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Root Canal Treatment • Oral Surgeon Huntington Beach CA
A root canal can save your tooth from being lost forever. Our surgeons are specialists in salvaging your natural teeth. Call to schedule an appointment today!
Surf City Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 17822 Beach Boulevard, Suite 342, Huntington Beach, CA 92647 ~ 657-384-2787 ~ ~ 4/30/2024 ~ Tags: dental implants Huntington Beach CA ~