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Home For Patients Blog Why We Only Recommend Extraction When All Other Options Would Fail

Why We Only Recommend Extraction When All Other Options Would Fail

Posted on 6/19/2023 by Evan
Why We Only Recommend Extraction When All Other Options Would FailSaving your natural teeth is almost always the best option when it comes to endodontic treatment. There are very few situations when we would recommend extracting a tooth, such as when the tooth is severely decayed, cracked below the gum line, or otherwise damaged beyond repair from an injury. Extraction might also be necessary for overcrowded or impacted teeth. Keep reading to learn why saving your natural teeth is almost always preferred over extraction.

Extraction Involves More Pain and Recovery

While many people have the preconceived notion that a root canal is incredibly painful and should be avoided at all costs, in today's world, that is far from the truth. Root canals are virtually painless since we use a local anesthetic to numb the area. Plus, most patients are able to return to work or school the same day. Tooth extractions, on the other hand, typically hurt more than root canals and the recovery process takes longer.

You also have to consider the dental work you will need to have done in the future when you have a tooth extracted. Since missing even one tooth is harmful to your oral health, we always recommend a dental restoration like an implant, crown, or bridge after having a tooth removed. This means that in addition to the traumatic procedure of having your tooth extracted and the recovery involved, you will have to undergo yet another dental procedure in the future when your restoration is placed. But with a root canal, a crown is placed over your natural tooth as soon as possible after the procedure, preventing the need for follow-up work.

Removing One Tooth Can Harm the Rest of Your Teeth

While having a decayed or damaged tooth extracted may provide you with immediate pain relief, it can lead to problems for your oral health in the long run. Losing just one tooth can cause your remaining teeth to shift position, which affects your bite and can lead to jawbone deterioration and further tooth damage over time. Plus, the gap in your smile is an easy target for food debris, bacteria, and plaque to accumulate and cause tooth decay, gum disease, and infection. If you have questions about saving a decayed or damaged tooth, please call us today.

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